Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Wedding Insurance

With Indian couples increasingly longing to make their wedding celebrations memorable and cherishable, the domestic wedding market is booming. It is currently estimated at Rs 70,000 crore (Rs 700 billion) and growing every day. But how safe is this investment? We all have heard about the numerous mishaps and damages that are caused during a wedding, the emotional ones may be irreversible, but for the monetary losses, a solution does exist. And the solution is WEDDING INSURANCE.Not many families in India are aware about the way to secure the huge investment they make for their children, but today options are definitely available and are as easy to get as any other life or health insurance policy. Nobody would want to see their money going down the drain, in case the decorator doesn't turn up at the last moment, or the caterer burns down the pandal while doing his extensive cooking exercises. A typical wedding insurance offered by private insurance companies comes at a premium for postponement or cancellation of wedding from Rs 3,770 to 14,276 for sum assured of Rs 200,000 to Rs 800,000. Cover provides. . . Expenses actually and already incurred or advances paid in connection with marriage hall, cooks, catering, purohits, priests, pandits, beauticians, decorators, accommodation reserved for the bride, bridegroom, guests, music parties, photos and videography and entertainment programs Cost of consumables which can neither be returned not used after lapse of time Loss on cancellation of travel tickets, forfeiture of caution or security or deposits. Liability is restricted only when such cancellation arises out of cancellation or postponement of marriage itself due to any of the causes mentioned above Burglary of jewellery, silver articles costly items like wedding suits, wedding sarees, bridal sets etc Third party liability of insured arising out of functions at the marriage . . .and does not provide: Dispute between marriage parties Criminal acts Willful negligence Criminal misconduct of the bride, bridegroom or their parents The period of insurance will be 24 hours prior to the start of the customary functions or rituals or programmes of events mentioned in the printed invitations till the end of the function or five days from the beginning whichever occurs earlier. It is definitely worth considering for everyone who is planning a wedding because whether you spend 7 lakhs on a wedding or 70 lakhs, it's your hard earned money and you would not want to lose it any which ways, and it is always said that PRECAUTION IS BETTER THAN CURE..!!

Trousseau Packing

Trousseau Packing